Thirty-five – 05

“Hold her!” Thordin roared. His hands shook, even as he gripped the haft of his axe tightly. Sif’s arm was locked around the slender woman’s neck and her other arm held her captive’s hands pinioned.

“Who the hell is she?” J.T. asked, feeling ragged already. The fight had been brief, but it had been enough to leave him trembling and sweating. The girl was still smiling a too-crazy smile even as Sif held her still. “You hear me?” he asked, turning his attention to their captive. “Who the hell are you?”

“I don’t have to answer you,” the girl said in a lilting, musical tone. “Bring him to me.”

“Bring who?” J.T. asked even as Thordin snapped, “No.”

The girl twisted in Sif’s grip, snarling as the warrior woman held her tight. “Let me go, war-bitch. You have no reason to bind me so!”

“Maybe I don’t, but he does.” Sif jerked her chin toward Thordin. “And I trust him. I don’t trust you, Thesan, especially not after what you’ve done.”

“What did she do?” J.T. asked, feeling his heart start to beat a little faster. I already don’t like where this is going. I really, really don’t like where this is going.

“Shut up, Jay,” Thordin said. He turned his attention back to the girl, who was grinning manically at them. “Where is it, Thesan?”

“I don’t have to answer you, dead man. If you think I do, you must be some kind of bloody fool. Turn me loose. I’ve business with the Ridden Druid.”

At least that I recognize. “He’s got no business with you,” J.T. said. “Answer Thordin’s question.”

The girl bared her teeth and hissed angrily. “I don’t have to. I don’t have to tell. I stole it fair and square and it’s mine. Now they’ll have to find it and hope that she remembers how to fix what’s broken.”

J.T. barely suppressed a shudder. This one took the train to crazy town a long time ago.

“Damnation,” Thordin growled. “Knock her cold, Sif. She’s not going to be any help. Jay, I’ll need your help with the bindings for her, and maybe Neve’s. We don’t want her going anywhere until we’ve gotten Phelan’s soul back where it belongs.”

J.T. froze. “Wait, what?”

Thordin closed his eyes and swore softly. “Dammit. I didn’t mean to say that.”

What the fucking hell is going on here?

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This entry was posted in Book 4, Chapter 35, Story, Winter. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Thirty-five – 05

  1. J.T. is getting a rude awakening to this whole fiasco. Binding a nutty psycho? This will be interesting?

    Thanks for the latest addition. Love this tale!

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