Three – 03

Leinth shivered and closed her eyes. Seamus looked away, feeling sick to his stomach.

“I’m sorry,” he said, voice breaking. “I know she’s—”

“My sister,” Leinth finished. “But she deserves your wrath more than anyone else. She made Thesan into what she is, her and my father.” She kissed his cheek and slid her arms around his shoulders, holding him close for a long moment. “It’s all right. I understand.”

“But she’s your sister,” Seamus whispered.

“And I hate her more than anyone,” Leinth whispered back. “She took you from me. One of her many crimes.” She gave him a squeeze and stepped away, starting to dress. “How far are they? When will they get here?”

“Not until evening, I think,” he said. “Maybe not until full dark. Earlier if they push. I can’t—” His voice hitched. “They’re too far away for me to tell if they’re upset enough to rush.”

She touched his shoulder. “Seamus, it’s okay.”

“No, it’s not,” he said, then sighed. “But thank you for saying so.”

Leinth squeezed his shoulder and picked up her cloak. “Are you going to go take a walk, then?”

“If Marin can’t sleep, she’ll be checking the wards on the walls,” Seamus murmured. “I might as well go keep her company.”

“Phelan’s worried about her,” Leinth said softly.

“They’re all worried,” Seamus muttered. Even I’m starting to worry, and I barely know her. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “It’ll be what it’ll be. They have to accept that.”

“They don’t seem like the type to just sit back and accept things like that,” Leinth said.

Seamus sighed.

At least they haven’t asked me what I might know.

Something told him that it was only a matter of time before they did, though.

He still wasn’t sure what he would tell them when they did.

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One Response to Three – 03

  1. Dr. says I am in for 8-10 days of flu. I’m so happy that, no.

    I think this horde has more pull then anyone can imagine. Even if he is released, he still feels their emotions? actions? Something he is feeling. Although I rather like rampaging hordes, flying across the country.

    Thanks for the new addition.

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