Seven – 05

Time seemed to stop for the briefest of moments.

Phelan’s magic splashed against the lindworm’s chest, illuminating the scene in a strange, blue-white glow. Sif’s face was twisted into a fierce snarl, another of her arrows embedding itself in the lindworm’s jaw. Matt tumbled off the monster’s back and onto the ice even as Thom kept up his bloody work on the creature’s spine.

The fragile moment shattered a heartbeat later as the lindworm shrieked in pain. Blood blossomed against its chest even as it spat venom toward Phelan, Marin, and Thordin, the blast falling well short of the trio as it wavered under the onslaught of Phelan’s attack.

It crashed to the side, thrashing and screaming, sending Thom flying and Matt scrambling. As abruptly as Phelan’s magic had bloomed, it cut off. He wavered on his knees, trying to brace himself with one palm against the ice, his face as pale as the crust of snow on the shore. Darkness nibbled at the edge of his vision and suddenly the world felt far, far colder than it had a moment before. His teeth began to chatter as violent shivers gripped him. His staff slipped from suddenly numb fingers, clattering against the ice. He stared at the dying lindworm, breath rasping in his throat and tasting like frozen knives on his tongue.

What just happened?

The world spun slowly, seeming to shudder—or was that him?

Marin’s fingers closed around his arm. “Phelan? Phelan! Look at me.”

He did, maybe too sharply, his vision doubling. He gagged, choking. Marin reeled backwards as he pitched forward, emptying his stomach onto the ice. She edged around him, putting her hand on his shoulder as he wavered on his hands and knees.

“Don’t quit on me,” he heard her whisper. His head spun, his stomach still unsettled.

“Not going to,” he rasped, then spat. He closed his eyes, hoping it would make the dizziness go away. He swayed to one side. Marin caught him, pushed him upright again. “Déithe agus arrachtaigh. I might need a break, though.”

She swore softly even as he slumped into her waiting arms.   Unconsciousness came seconds later, swift in its merciful darkness, and for a time, he knew no more.

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