Fifteen – 04

The gates opened.

Leinth tore her gaze from Leviathan, twisting toward the sound and praying she wouldn’t regret turning her back on the man before her. She watched Phelan stride through the gates, flanked by Matt and Marin. Something smoldered in the Taliesin’s eyes and Leinth hoped against hope that it wasn’t barely-masked fear.

That won’t help us now.

“Wanderer,” Leviathan said.

“Leviathan,” Phelan responded, lengthening his stride to join Leinth where she stood. “You’re a hell of a long way from Canaan.”

“It’s been more than a few lifetimes since I resided there,” Leviathan said. His gaze flicked from Phelan toward Matt and Marin and then back again. “You of all people should realize that.”

“I’m not sure I follow.”

“Come now. You came here from the old world well before most of our fellows did. Could you blame one fading such as I for following your example?” Leviathan smiled a wry, faint smile. “I have slumbered here for centuries, Wanderer, undisturbed and bothering no one. The spirits of the deep blue have been my company and comfort.”

Phelan went white. Leinth reached a hand out to steady him even as Matt stepped forward to grasp his shoulder. “You—”

“Became the guardian of the great waters, yes.” Leviathan crossed his arms. “You seem surprised.”

For a moment, Leinth though that Phelan just might faint. Instead, he steeled himself, drawing himself a little straighter, some color washing back into his face. “I suppose I shouldn’t be.”

“Hardly,” Leviathan agreed. His expression grew hard. “This place is yours.”

“It’s theirs.” Phelan nodded to Marin and Matt. “And I’m theirs, too.”

Leviathan’s brows rose. “That’s unexpected.”

“What do you want?” Marin asked, slipping between Phelan and Leinth.

“To know your intentions, madam,” Leviathan said smoothly. “Power stirred the spirits and woke me. I would know what you intend to do with that power—and for what purpose it was mustered.”

“To save a man’s life,” Marin fired back. “And for the good of all.”

With that, she spun and marched back toward the safety of the settlement’s walls.

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