Tag Archives: Matthew Astoris

Twenty-eight – 02

That fear felt different this time somehow—a surprise.  Matt had thought after so much time, after so many threats faced and handled, that he’d learned every kind of fear that he could feel.  Yet somehow, this felt different.  There had … Continue reading

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Twenty-eight – 01

Thordin’s gaze strayed toward the windows as lightning lit the world outside a pair of heartbeats before thunder boomed.  A gust of wind lashed rain against the far side of the cottage Matt and Hecate shared with their younger children. … Continue reading

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Twenty-five – 05

[This post is from Hecate’s point of view.] Matt cast a puzzled glance at the both of them as Hecate headed to get him the promised blanket.  “Is she on her way?” Hecate looked at Thordin, who grimaced and shrugged.  … Continue reading

Posted in Ambrose Cycle, Book 8, Chapter 25, Story | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Twenty-five – 04

[This post is from Hecate’s point of view.] Thordin winced.  “I still—” She shook her head slightly.  “We can’t change the past, my friend.  It took me a long time to figure that out—among other things.  I live with the … Continue reading

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Twenty-four – 08

[This post is from Matt Astoris’s point of view.] The first drops of rain spattered against the stones of the path and Matt winced, knowing he’d waited too long—or maybe Hecate had waited too long to come and fetch him.  … Continue reading

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Twenty-four – 07

[This post is from Matt Astoris’s point of view.] The grumble of thunder had grown closer by the time he thrust the metal back into the forge to heat.  He wasn’t sure if it was the product of the time … Continue reading

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Twenty-four – 06

[This post is from Matt Astoris’s point of view.] For a few seconds, Matt closed his eyes, listening to the small sounds around him—the sound of his nephew’s footsteps down the path, the soft hiss and crackle of the forge, … Continue reading

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Twenty-four – 05

[This post is from Matt Astoris’s point of view.] He mentally stomped on that line of thought before it could go any further.  His nephew stared at him steadily, as if he could somehow sense what Matt had been thinking.  … Continue reading

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Twenty-four – 04

[This post is from Matt Astoris’s point of view.] Lin stared at the forge for a few seconds, his brow furrowing slightly.  “Aunt Caro could only give me a direction that they left in.  Did you…?” “Know where they were … Continue reading

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Twenty-four – 03

[This post is from Matt Astoris’s point of view.] Matt’s heart missed a beat.  He cleared his throat.  “Then you know.” “Aunt Caro confirmed it,” Lin said after a momentary hesitation.  “When she found me out there, I asked.  I—Uncle … Continue reading

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